“BLINK, the nation’s largest light, art, and projection mapping experience, bringing with it transcendent works across mediums. Sitting at the crossroads of innovative art and new technology, BLINK embodies the spirit of world-building, connecting artists who craft their own unique environments within the Cincinnati cityscape. This immersion within immersion transports attendees, unlike any other event, simultaneously encouraging the seemingly impossible combination of escapism and mental presence.” (BLINK website)

Isolation/Unity/Community is a generative art project created by a group of Miami University students for the BLINK: Cincinnati projection mapping festival. Projected onto the Hanke Building in downtown Cincinnati, Isolation/Unity/Community is a project about life, the impact of COVID, and hope for the future.

Production Overview

Isolation/Unity/Community was a collaborative art project created by my 12-person upper-level capstone Creative Direction in Entertainment Design class.

  • Brainstorm concepts and ideas for what our piece would be about. Pitch different concepts, listen to each other, and then come back with new pitches

  • Create an extended slideshow of everyone’s ideas and then print out the entire presentation. Find a way that as many ideas as possible could work together

  • Split off into small groups (one for each of the three acts) and brainstorm how to combine a series of individual generative art pieces into a single narrative)

  • Regroup and build off ideas created in small groups. Narrow down and refine scale into something manageable and then divide up work

  • Working on the art itself, both individually and as team

My largest contribution to the piece is the design and implementation of the crystal section from 1:43-1:59 and as the one who made the concept for the waterfall piece from 1:29-1:43. I additionally helped out in small parts wherever else was needed.




Team Size


Artist, Concept Designer (Team Project)

Generative Art University Capstone

In-person project, recorded on video (YouTube)


Unreal Engine, TouchDesigner, Notch Builder, Autodesk Maya